basic rock climbing technique

Basic Rock Climbing Technique

Practice makes perfect when you’re breaking into the rock climbing game. It’s an addictive sport that naturally builds muscle, evokes a zen-like focus, and teaches balance. Ever since the early 1990s, rock climbing has changed and evolved into a full-on Olympic sport.  Most new climbers try to power up the wall using arm strength, but …

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women's rock climbing shoes for beginners

Women’s Rock Climbing Shoes for Beginners

Are you looking for a new fun-filled and adrenaline-boosting fitness pursuit? While it may seem like an activity only suitable for daredevils, rock climbing can actually be a good option for everyday adventurers. Being fit, having proper instruction, and getting the right climbing equipment can help you. Perhaps one of the most important pieces of …

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Rock Climbing Women Yoga Inspiration

The Making of a Rock Climbing Yogini

Yoga and climbing just go together. It’s a beautiful symbiotic relationship. Both increase balance, core strength, flexibility and mental discipline through a series of fluid movements and holding contorted positions all the while breathing in a controlled rhythmic fashion. Plus, yoga has the added benefit of helping to prevent injury by stretching muscles and increasing …

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